Course Offerings

0-99 Advanced Placement Credit; House Courses; First-Year Seminars; First-Year Writing; Registrar/Department special purpose
100-199 Introductory-level undergraduate courses; basic skills/activity courses; foundation courses; Focus program courses
200-399 Undergraduate courses above introductory level
400-499 Advanced undergraduate, senior seminars, capstone courses, honors thesis courses
500-699 Graduate courses open to advanced undergraduates
700-999 Graduate only courses (not open to undergraduates)

To see courses offered during a specific semester, please visit DukeHub and select “Class Search”.


Number Title Codes
JEWISHST 80S Special Topics in Writing
JEWISHST 89S First Year Seminar
JEWISHST 101 Elementary Modern Hebrew FL
JEWISHST 102 Elementary Modern Hebrew FL
JEWISHST 140 Judaism CCI, CZ
JEWISHST 141 Judaism Through Film CCI, EI, W, ALP, CZ
JEWISHST 145 The Old Testament/Hebrew Bible CCI, EI, CZ
JEWISHST 148 Israel/Palestine: Comparative Approaches to Rights and Justice CCI, EI, SS
JEWISHST 156 Scripture: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
JEWISHST 164S Gateway Seminar - Antisemitism: Ethnicity, Race, Religion, Culture CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS
JEWISHST 190FS Special Topics: Jewish Studies Focus Seminar
JEWISHST 203 Intermediate Modern Hebrew FL, ALP
JEWISHST 204 Intermediate Modern Hebrew FL, ALP, CZ
JEWISHST 206FS Clash of Civilizations: In the Heart of Europe ALP, CZ
JEWISHST 206S The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Films CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
JEWISHST 210 The Good Life: Religion, Philosophy, and Life's Ultimate Concerns CCI, R, CZ
JEWISHST 215S Hinduism and Judaism: Culture, Religion, and Identity CCI, CZ
JEWISHST 241 Contemporary Israeli Cinema CCI, EI, ALP
JEWISHST 243 Modern European Short Fiction CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
JEWISHST 245 Introduction to Israeli Culture CCI, ALP, CZ
JEWISHST 251 Jewish History, 1492 to the Present CCI, EI, CZ, SS
JEWISHST 258 The Modern Middle East CCI, CZ
JEWISHST 271 Sex and Gender in the Hebrew Bible CCI, EI, CZ
JEWISHST 290S Special Topics in Jewish Studies
JEWISHST 301D Religion, Restrictions, and Violence CCI, EI, CZ
JEWISHST 305S Advanced Modern Hebrew CCI, FL, ALP
JEWISHST 306S Advanced Modern Hebrew CCI, FL, ALP
JEWISHST 310S Literary Translation: History, Theory, and Practice CCI, W, ALP
JEWISHST 319S Andalusia: Muslim, Jewish, Christian Spain CCI, ALP, CZ
JEWISHST 337 America from Abroad: Literature and Cinema CCI, EI, W, ALP
JEWISHST 342 The Holocaust CCI, EI, STS, CZ
JEWISHST 361 The End of The World: Apocalyptic Arguments from Antiquity to the Present Day CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
JEWISHST 369 Germany Confronts Nazism and the Holocaust CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
JEWISHST 378S Svevo and World Literature CCI, ALP
JEWISHST 381S Mapping Jewish Modernism CCI, R, ALP
JEWISHST 383S Jewish Italy and its Literatures: The Most Ancient Minority CCI, R, ALP, CZ
JEWISHST 383SA Jewish Italy and its Literatures: The Most Ancient Minority R, ALP, CZ
JEWISHST 390 Special Topics in Jewish Studies
JEWISHST 390A Duke-Administered Study Abroad: Advanced Topics
JEWISHST 390S Special Topics in Jewish Studies
JEWISHST 432S Modern German-Jewish Culture: Vienna, Prague, Berlin CCI, FL, ALP, CZ
JEWISHST 455S Introduction to Israeli Culture CCI, FL, ALP, CZ
JEWISHST 490S Special Topics in Jewish Studies
JEWISHST 541S Jews and the End of Theory CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS
JEWISHST 555S Art and the Holocaust: Architecture, Art, and Cultural Politics during the Nazi Period CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
JEWISHST 606S Hebrew Biblical Texts
JEWISHST 690S Special Topics in Jewish Studies
JEWISHST 711S Mapping Jewish Modernism
JEWISHST 713S Svevo and World Literature
JEWISHST 730S A Cultural and Spatial Analysis of the Ghetto: Venice, Nazi Occupied Europe, Chicago
JEWISHST 740S East/West/Zion: Jewish Literary Modernism
JEWISHST 810 Palace Intrigue: Ecclesiastes and Esther as Philosophy, Art, and Politics